Full speed ahead

We held our first official Cinco De May meeting today at Coral Beach Realty. Cullen, Francis, Vernon, Fred, Paul and I were able to accomplish great things in a relatively short time.

Our second meeting will be tomorrow (Tuesday) 12 pm at Wet Willy's for anyone who is interested in volunteering or making donations please feel free to stop by.

We are still looking for bands, donations for auction, raffle and yard sale, volunteers for day of the event - please contact School office 226-3456

I will leave you with a good example of how business is often done in San Pedro. After our meeting we were talking outside Coral Beach Realty and spotted we all called ambush on Chris from Casa Picasso - Vernon talked to him sealed the deal.

Hold a meeting

Step outside and see someone on your list

Negotiate a deal

Seal the Deal


Anonymous said…
I spied Ari in the background!

Chris from CP is good like that... cuz he's from Austin!!! Yeah Chris!
Ummm, what happened on May 5th in Belize? It's funny but in California they celebrate Cinco de Mayo like a big Mexican holiday, it's lots of fun, parades etc. Here in Mexico (I live in Merida) it isn't even a holiday. If you ask anyone they tell you it was the battle of Puebla, and is celebrated there. I think some people from Puebla must of immigrated to California and convinced everyone it was a big Mexican holiday. Isn't that great? But we have enough other holidays to make up for it.
tacogirl said…
Theresa what happened on May 5th in Belize is last year is a local band member stepped up to help solve a problem at Holy Cross the school we volunteer at.

So we decided due to the timing of his offer, we would claim Cinco De Mayo for our annual Holy Cross School fundraiser.

This year's party promises to be bigger and better.

It is actually gaining popularity as a party theme - one of my party planning books gives it a mention listed as a Mexican national holiday celebrated with Music Food and Dancing.
oh, how cool, I love events that start out that way. I hope your fund raiser just gets better and better. I remember that my son's elementary school (which had a huge parent volunteer base) used to have a several events that just got huge as the whole community participated.
tacogirl said…
that is great theresa community participation is always fun

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