San Pedro Synchronicity

One of the things I enjoy most about living in San Pedro, Belize is how things fall into place when you let them. I have practiced being in the right place at the right time quite a while now and I find in San Pedro that doing this can be very advantageous not to mention saving money on phone cards.

Monday night I went with my friend Carole to Road Kill bar to celebrate Diane’s birthday. We had a great time and enjoyed the company of many familiar faces and also had the pleasure of meeting some new ones. As Carole and I were saying our good bye’s I got to talking with a nice fellow who was interested in a seamstress and so I was recommending my neighbor for the job. From the conversation it came up that he did holistic health practices. I mentioned to him that I am a Reiki practitioner and decided to introduce myself by name. As soon as he mentioned his name was Zac, the puzzle pieces came together. The person I was talking to was someone I had been trying to meet for a couple of weeks. A friend of mine had given me his email address, as she knew I have been looking for a Tai Chi teacher since December.

The emails I sent had sent that address had bounced back and I had not gotten around to getting a phone number for him, but thanks to San Pedro synchronicity, we still managed to meet. All in all, Monday night was a fun filled evening. I helped celebrate Diane’s birthday among friends and saw her get a shiny new bike, met new people, and connected with Zac. Here’s hoping that Tai Chi lessons fall into place soon.


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