Dia De San Pedro opening night

Dia Del San Pedro opening ceremonies were tonight.

People were out and enjoying themselves. I had a good time, met up with a few of the kids from Holy Cross School. We walked around and talked for a bit. I can hear people on the ferris wheel from here as it is spinning so fast. I am going to go back over and get a taco.

One hour till fireworks.

The fair is totally on Belize Time, when I went back Groupo Huracan the Mariachi band was playing and they had not even done the opening ceremonies yet. I ran into Zac and he said that he was supposed to play with Barry and the Islanders hours a go and they still had not been up yet. After the fireworks he finally got to play. I stayed for their first song and then turned into a taco and came home.

I set the alarm for 4 am to watch the Misa De Gallo (Fisherman's mass) procession through town. I will give it my best shot to get up, right now I am just no sure I will be able to scrape myself out of bed in two and a half hours. I did make an iced coffee now to see if that will help me out of bed. (I did get up to check but there was no street procession my neighbor said they will do that tonight. It must have only been a mass at the church only this morning)

Future skydiver

Saw lots of flips

Boat ride - how exciting

Last bag of cotton candy for you message boarders that were asking for some

You know the carnival has officially started when the snack vendors are there

Trampoline fun

Many people take shoes off for this one - no flying flip flops

Miguel going on a ride

First person not in San Pedro that can guess what this is for wins a belikin - answer must be specific

Ferris wheel goes so fast it is crazy

Taco Lady - always great

Groupo Huracan - great mariachi music


They always have great fireworks here

Barry and the Islanders - more great music - I can still hear them playing


Anonymous said…
It's a block & tackle being used as a tie down. Normally, this would be used for trying to move something such as a boat stuck in the sand but since it is at an angle going up in the air so it looks like it is being used to set something upright or pull an item off of something else.

Anonymous said…
I'm going to go with what Dita said but my answer was FIRST!!
Denny Shane said…
Taco... great pics!

TQ, I agree that your answer was first... except I think you forgot to write the answer down. ;)
Anonymous said…
taco girl

was it a hot air balloon??

Elbert Greer said…
Great Blog
How do you do the sticky trick that keeps the head of the blog at the head?
Anonymous said…
Has anyone gotten the answer right yet? I could use a Belekin about now... I think it is the tent anchor line used while the circus was in town????
tacogirl said…
Becky, Dita won the Belikin. She had posted by the time I woke up and checked the blog / message board after posting late the night before.

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