Field Trip to Old Belize and Zoo
Today we are going to the Belize Zoo yay.
We will go meet the ferry soon and then take the boat to Cucumber Beach Marina with the Holy Cross Crew. After that we will get on a bus and head for the Belize Zoo. We brought 3 bags of animal cookies for snacks and the school has packed everyone a lunch. Paul and I are both excited, I can only imagine how the kids feel. Especially since some of them had probably never been off the island let along going to the zoo and riding in a big bus.
I am writing this on the boat in my Samurai Jack notebook. We are on Belize time today for sure. Got to the dock for 7:00 am and we waited to sort out last minute details. Some of the parents who were chaperons came with little kids that were not supposed to be on the trip. There was no one at home to look after them and so the moms brought them along. So Nurse Glenda had to get clearance from the Miss Sharon and Sterling that it was ok.
Finally we all got on a big boat and headed off. The boat did not get too far, the engine was acting up and so we had to go back and take 2 smaller boats. The bigger kids and some adults loaded up on the first boat which left first and the smaller ones some teachers, parents and us on the second leaving about 15 min later. We caught up to the first boat and beat them to Old Belize. When we got there the bus was not waiting for us so a quick call and they came to pick us up. Luckily Alexis saved us a seat, by the time we got on the bus was pretty full.
Once we got to the Zoo we had our lunch and got an introduction from our guide. We saw lots of animals and the kids were really enjoying it all. Afterward we had our snacks before getting back on the bus.
This time I made sure to get on early and save Paul, Alexis and I a good seat near the front. While driving back to Old Belize, and the bus driver pulled to the side of the road and Miss Laura announced that any teachers and parents were free to go across the road to purchase toilet paper. There was a tent outside of a big building and they were selling 48 roll packs for $10.
Paul got out along with the other adults to get us a pack. The kids were all singing on the bus and having a great time. On the boat ride home, we saw a double rainbow. It was a big day and some of the kids that were tired put their heads down on our laps for a rest. We couldn’t think of a better way to end the day than celebrating with a frappe at Island Perk.
Catching the Boat at Fidos / Island Ferry Dock
Happy to go on a field trip
Miss Laura and Kenny got ambushed when they arrived with the bananas and juice
Lining up to go on the boat - library t-shirts to make it easy to keep track of them
Almost ready to leave
Heading out the first time
Getting on the smaller boats - this one left first
Second boat
Alexis Jonathon Miguel and I
Heading into the marina
Cucumber Beach
Time to get on the bus
Heading to the Belize Zoo
Lunch time
Kids won posters by answering questions about the Zoo
Belize Zoo area map
Colorful flower
Spider monkey
Baby deer
White tailed deer
Our guide explaining the animals to the kids
Baby crocodile on a log
Toucan enjoying a snack
Puma skeleton
Howler monkey
Hibiscus tunnel
Learn about Parrots
Nice statues
Jabiru Stork
Baby Jaguar
Jaguar hanging out in the trees
Fancy Bird
Back to the bus after snack time
Roadside stop for toilet paper
Old Belize and Cucumber Beach Marina
Heading for the boats
Hakim Optical Yacht - nice ride
Cucumber Beach Marina boats
Some pretty nice boats in the marina
Bigger kids on the other boat
Smaller kids on the fast boat
Johnathan Paul and Miguel
Passing the other boat on the way home
Double rainbow
We will go meet the ferry soon and then take the boat to Cucumber Beach Marina with the Holy Cross Crew. After that we will get on a bus and head for the Belize Zoo. We brought 3 bags of animal cookies for snacks and the school has packed everyone a lunch. Paul and I are both excited, I can only imagine how the kids feel. Especially since some of them had probably never been off the island let along going to the zoo and riding in a big bus.
I am writing this on the boat in my Samurai Jack notebook. We are on Belize time today for sure. Got to the dock for 7:00 am and we waited to sort out last minute details. Some of the parents who were chaperons came with little kids that were not supposed to be on the trip. There was no one at home to look after them and so the moms brought them along. So Nurse Glenda had to get clearance from the Miss Sharon and Sterling that it was ok.
Finally we all got on a big boat and headed off. The boat did not get too far, the engine was acting up and so we had to go back and take 2 smaller boats. The bigger kids and some adults loaded up on the first boat which left first and the smaller ones some teachers, parents and us on the second leaving about 15 min later. We caught up to the first boat and beat them to Old Belize. When we got there the bus was not waiting for us so a quick call and they came to pick us up. Luckily Alexis saved us a seat, by the time we got on the bus was pretty full.
Once we got to the Zoo we had our lunch and got an introduction from our guide. We saw lots of animals and the kids were really enjoying it all. Afterward we had our snacks before getting back on the bus.
This time I made sure to get on early and save Paul, Alexis and I a good seat near the front. While driving back to Old Belize, and the bus driver pulled to the side of the road and Miss Laura announced that any teachers and parents were free to go across the road to purchase toilet paper. There was a tent outside of a big building and they were selling 48 roll packs for $10.
Paul got out along with the other adults to get us a pack. The kids were all singing on the bus and having a great time. On the boat ride home, we saw a double rainbow. It was a big day and some of the kids that were tired put their heads down on our laps for a rest. We couldn’t think of a better way to end the day than celebrating with a frappe at Island Perk.
