Birthday Blog x 3

This one goes out to Colette, Stacy and Cindy who we all celebrated Thursday night. It was officially Cindy's party but I had to add the other 2 in there as we missed them due to Dean and all the hustle and bustle.

Happy Birthday Girls.

Due to Dean we just missed Colette and Stacy was the night after so we missed her too. Cindy said lets go to El Divino at Banana Beach and have drinks so a bunch of us met there to celebrate.

Unfortunately drinks were not something I was supposed to be having. While it was fun at the time I sure paid for it the next day and am still trying to loose the stomach ache today.

I still need to do my Dean write up soon too, I had my, Party Samurai Jack note book during the event and was writing down some stuff for my blog.


Wasn't my birthday being celebrated. How many drinks did you say you had? It was purely and wholly Cindy's birthday. That's what I had arranged anyway. There will in fact be a birthday celebration for me, Maya and all those missed in September. xx Colette
tacogirl said…
It was Cindy who mentioned everyone else's birthdays in getting together. I think she did not want anyone to feel left out even though we were celebrating her.

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