Saga Halloween Party
Pets and kids were decked out in their best costumes hoping for a shot at winning a prize, as one of 4 costume judges, it was a difficult choice to make. Overall Saga Halloween fundraiser was a huge success raiding over 5000 bzd. Thanks to all who volunteered, bought BBQ, raffle 50/50 tickets, face painting, donated money, came and enjoyed the party (and signed the petition against sale of land at Bacalar Chico)
Heading to the party
Face painting by Carole

Stephanie getting her face done
Scuba dog
Flower garden, bumble bee dog and Dulce
Maya taking shot of witch dog with booties
Issac wearing spongebob t-shirt
Hot dog
Yankee dog
Witch dog
BBQ was great
Fairy princess
Face Painting by Carole
Vampire dog
Bit turn out
Witch dog
Spider dog
Winner scariest dog
Molly decides to de-costume herself
Lobster girl
Pretty in pink
Beach time
Face painting by Carole
Zippy selling tickets she also made cupcakes
Cute girl
Tents for shade and in case rain
Great party
Sailor boy
Cave baby
Princess dog
Girl and her turtle
Faith and friend
Turtle in Halloween costime
Gringa in Belize dog
Face painting by Carole
Dogs resisting food game
Dogs resisting food game
Dogs resisting food game
Issac dancing
Skunk dog dancing
Mutley doing a trick
Skunk dog playing dead
Greta day for a fund raiser
Lots of people came out to support Saga
Devil dog
Cindy and Richard
Usual suspects rock the house
Molly the Lobster dog
Big win for Db
Lobster head
Db and his prizes
Sitting on the steps at BC's
Molly wins cat prizes for Basil
Db wins another prize
Pumpkin head enjoying a belikin
Pumpkin head Paul
My peace sign
Everyone put your glasses on
Walter Pumpkin head
Lobster Walter
Winston and his friend cleaning up bottles

Hot dog
Yankee dog
Witch dog
BBQ was great
Fairy princess
Face Painting by Carole
Vampire dog
Bit turn out
Witch dog
Spider dog
Winner scariest dog
Molly decides to de-costume herself
Lobster girl
Pretty in pink
Beach time
Face painting by Carole
Zippy selling tickets she also made cupcakes
Cute girl
Tents for shade and in case rain
Great party
Sailor boy
Cave baby
Princess dog
Girl and her turtle
Faith and friend
Turtle in Halloween costime
Gringa in Belize dog
Face painting by Carole
Dogs resisting food game
Dogs resisting food game
Dogs resisting food game
Issac dancing
Skunk dog dancing
Mutley doing a trick
Skunk dog playing dead
Greta day for a fund raiser
Lots of people came out to support Saga
Devil dog
Cindy and Richard
Usual suspects rock the house
Molly the Lobster dog
Big win for Db
Lobster head
Db and his prizes
Sitting on the steps at BC's
Molly wins cat prizes for Basil
Db wins another prize
Pumpkin head enjoying a belikin
Pumpkin head Paul
My peace sign
Everyone put your glasses on
Walter Pumpkin head
Lobster Walter
Winston and his friend cleaning up bottles
Great blogging as ususal gial!
Congratulations to all the organizers, volunteers, pets, supporters and of course our very own fav blogger. Job well done.