Beach Brownie Derby
We got an invite from Changes in Latitudes girls to the Beach Brownie Derby - we walked down the beach to meet the crew for 4 pm. Teri, Terry and Steve were ready to jump - after seeing the fun, Paul decided to take a turn - rest of us cheered them on and stood at the end of the dock with our cameras and camcorders ready to catch the action.
Afterwards we went to BYC and had Belikin, Panti ripa's, and chocolate brownies.
Headless Barbie on sign
Heading to dock
Ready to roll
Secret handshake
Teri and Terry
Double header
Gaining speed
Getting Bike
Ride like the wins
Lift off
Steve popping a wheelie
Hoisting bike out of water
Nose dive
Paul takes the plunge
Afterwards we went to BYC and had Belikin, Panti ripa's, and chocolate brownies.
