West Side Ride

Right now we are heading due west on the back side of the island - going slow as we hit a shallow patch - destination a remote beach somewhere.

Rescue 911 a couple of guys with engine trouble flagged us down for help - we are towing them to a pink house - pit stop tied boats side by side so Dick could straighten their engine so towing would be easier.

After towing them a bit further Dick decided he could do a temporary fix and get their engine running - we saw them off safely to their destination - heading north looking for a good stretch of sand.

Stopped at a white sand beach and did some exploring - Carole got stuck in the mud and we could not stop laughing.

Off we go towards a small island with a massive sand bar around it - we pulled boat up to sandbar and went for a nice walk in the shallow water - this is paradise at it's finest.

Traveling north east now - still following sand bar which must be about 3 miles long - just figured out we are about 7 miles north.

As we go east through a channel we can see a landmark red and white telecommunications tower from the other side of the island - lots of fish - water is getting to shallow time to turn around.

Southward bound - wind at our back ride is much smoother - close to Cayo Espanto Dick decided we should drop anchor and go for a swim.

Back to town - getting dropped off at sunset grill how easy.

Off to Dick and Carole's for pot luck bbq - got cheese cake from New York today courtesy of Big Mike - we are bringing a couple of slices and some sausages.

Capt Dick

Heading under bridge

Through mangroves

Around back

Coming out to right of Brahma Blue

Rescue mission

Miss Carole

Helping fix their boat

Dick pulling us to shore

Quiet beach


Long lovely beach


Carole got stuck

Mud foot

Back to the beach

Dick and Carole

Interesting finds

Miss Carole


Mini crab

Inhabited shell

Long sand bar

Sand bar facing south

Walking the boat

Sand bar facing north

Dick and Carole

Walking in shallows - way out



Looking in water






Lush vegetation


Dick and I

Bayside Bar


Anonymous said…
Looks like lots of fun, gial! Nice day too!
Anonymous said…
Love the pictures. Wish I was there. We are having a heat wave in Minnesota today, it is up to 40 degrees.
tacogirl said…
thanks bbc will check it out

was fun tq

better a heat wave than a cold front mn hotdish

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