Donation from Mexico

This weekend on our travels through Mexico for the Latin American Bloggers meeting, we received a wonderful and much needed donation.

Michele and Rob Kinnon in Playa Del Carmen, Executive Brokers for Bric International, locally handling sales and marketing for Turneffe Estates Belize donated Austin, a Backyardigans piƱata and lots of Mexican candy to fill it.

I will leave you with a few pictures of Michele, Austin and the candy. It was quite funny watching Michele and the cab driver try to fit Austin in the trunk.

Michele and Austin

Pinata shop

Austin Michele and cab driver

Here we go


Not quite

Let's try this again

Austin made it to San Pedro and is now full of candy


Anonymous said…
I wasn't sure we would ever get him in there! Tell Austin and Flat Stanley a big hello from us in Playa!
tacogirl said…
Austin says hi, he has a full belly.

Stanley has been taking it easy, he plans to go back to Houston after Cinco De mayo.

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