Laying in bed

Beth came by to chat for a bit this morning. While she was here Maya and Colette popped by to see how I was doing and got to meet Flat Stanley.

11:58 am
I am laying in bed listening to the radio and the rain. Perfect way to spend a wet San Pedro Monday.

Colette Flat Stanly and Maya


Anonymous said…
Oh wow! Way too cute!

I bet Flat Stanley has a blast with those two! xo
Anonymous said…
I hope Flat Stanley is taking good care of you. See you soon!!
tacogirl said…
yes I sure hope we see you soon too. I am doing everything I can to feel better so we can come to Mexico.
Anonymous said…
I don't get it but then again there is a lot that I don't get. Who exactly is Flat Stanley supposed to be and where did his tie go to?
tacogirl said…
ct Google flat stanly - his tie came off quickly as he settled into island life

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