Donations keep coming

We have a $50 dollar gift certificate from Nellies Laundry. It is nice to see how established people within the community and from abroad are helping out to get the kids computer smarts.

I just got word from Maureen at Johnstown United Methodist Church that they are sending a nice check.

Gone to Woody's wharf back in a bit

5:31 pm
Best thing before a fundraiser is to get as prepared as possible - have as much done ahead of time including r&r cause you know the day of is going to be non stop especially when it starts at 9 am.

Here is abit about how I am spending my time before the big party.

Courtney and I met Stacy at Georges kitchen.
Steve and Alyssa came not long after and joined us.
We all shared good conversation and great food.

Afterwards we all went our separate ways. Courtney and I came back to her place to make the taco decorations. They look great we laughed and took pictures.

Paul is at home or meeting with Sari - going to meet him later at Changes in Latitudes.

Courtney making tacos

taco production

Ground beef got added on at Changes in Latitudes with a hole punch



Jobove - Reus said…
very good blog congratulations
regard from Catalonia Spain
thank you
tacogirl said…
Thanks Té la mà Maria - Reus - glad you enjoy tacogirlblog

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