It was a dark and stormy night
Could not sleep any longer this morning - got up around 6:30 and figured I would get a blog in before internet inevitably went out on us. Pretty much as soon as I decided that checked that we were online and got my pc booted we lost it. Thankfully we have power and Paul just gave me Tetris to put on my pc.
Been up off and on all night listening to wicked lightening and thunder from Tropical Storm Arthur. After checking outside, I realized either I must have selective hearing or was sleeping at the point when all patio furniture and toys ended up in a heap at the end of our balcony.
Neighbors shop sign was lying in the road. I am not ready to venture out yet but I am sure that San Pedro is a bit wind blown right now. I can’t even imagine the folks in San Mateo who are not only wind blown, definitely water logged and likely cold to boot. I woke up cold during the storm and had to get up and get extra covers.
8:05 am Still no internet and water.
Short list – getting longer
Get passports and important papers in one place in waterproof container or bag.
Make sure first aid kit is handy – check what needs to be added or replaced.
Get hurricane food stash in one place – keep adding to stash.
Start Laundry as soon as rain breaks a bit longer and wind dies down.
Stock up on phone credit and water.
Start packing grab and go bag.
Put things up high.
10:55 am
Got internet who knows for how long and blogger wont’ let me in. Went through town heading north Switched to beach at Estel’s water is high and lots of sand washed away. Boat cushions scattered the beach and there were deep trenches in the sand. Looked like a potential gas leak by Cholos
As we passed Phoenix area there was a lot of water to the land side of their sea wall. When we got to Dick and Carole’s to see if we could help him bail the boat, we saw he had just finished. He made us a coffee and then we walked back through town.
(Rang Cullen over coffee and found lots of boats submerged and beach washed away. He said he guessed winds at 45 - 50 mph)
Perk was just opening up and had just got water. We agreed with Cindy C this was more rain than we had for Dean. Decided to head over to the lagoon as middle street looked relatively ok. The lagoon area was very we as was the old football field.
Reminder to all please cut down on forwarding friends and relatives in Belize during times of extreme weather. It just makes it easier for us to keep emails free for fast updates and important communications.
Shout out to all of you who are for tuning into tacogirlblog...
Camarillo, United States - Garner, United States - Reston, United States - Baltimore, United States - Kanata, Canada - Coimbra, Portugal - Madrid, Spain - Slough, United Kingdom - Ziegenhals, Germany - Bucharest, Romania - Milan, Italy - Granville Ferry, Canada - Denver, United States - Scottsdale, United States - San Diego, United States - San Francisco, United States - Raleigh, United States - Sherman, United States - Northbrook, United States - San Jose, United States - Calgary, Canada - Fort Lauderdale, United States - Los Perales, Argentina - Edmonton, Canada - Seattle, United States - Salt Lake City, United States - Austin, United States - Rochester, United States - Butler, United States - Kennewick, United States - Chicago, United States - Caseyville, United States - Mount Laurel, United States - Boca Raton, United States - Burgos, Spain - KorsĂžr, Denmark - Georgetown, Canada - Garner, United States - Cabo, Portugal - Nottingham, United Kingdom - Kista, Sweden - Linköping, Sweden - Wettbergen, Germany - Hauconcourt, France - San Paolo, Italy - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Concord, United States - Boulder, United States - New York, United States - Des Moines, United States - Toronto, Canada - Greensboro, United States - Bartlesville, United States - New Westminster, Canada - Camarillo, United States - Rosemead, United States - Vancouver, United States - Metairie, United States - Indianapolis, United States - Idaho Falls, United States - Yonkers, United States - Scarborough, Canada - Detroit, United States - Dickinson, United States - Albany, United States - Gillette, United States - Calgary, Canada - Houston, United States - London, United Kingdom - Lakeland, United States - Bois D Arc, United States - Albuquerque, United States - Brooklands, Canada - Walnut Grove, United States - Minneapolis, United States - Aberdeen, United States - Cranston, United States - Wichita, United States - Fort Collins, United States - Bruner, United States - Parsippany, United States - Durham, United States - Memphis, United States - Broomfield, United States - Bentley, United States - Macon, United States - Fawnskin, United States - Miami, United States - Steamboat Springs, United States - Plano, United States - CancĂșn, Mexico - Carol Stream, United States - Richmond, United States - Flushing, United States - Winnipeg, Canada - Nanaimo, Canada - Rockfall, United States - Parksville, Canada - Brandon, Canada - Steamboat Springs, United States -
2:14 pm
Still overcast - wind has died down and town is drying out. Taking the opportunity to get a couple buckets of laundry done and hanging while I am relatively sure it will not go airborne.
6:18 pm Gail just sent me link to Nemo site they have pictures up of southern Belize flooding and Love fm has news and a picture slide show.
Furniture blown
Sign down
Sign blew across the road
Door covered
Boats on beach
For Chloe
Mind the gap
It's big
Roots exposed
Boats pulled in
Tree down
High water levels
Exposed pipes
Water on the other side of sea wall
Heading north
Boat cushions were scattered all over
Garbage bag raincoat
Bull dozer heading to Boca Del Rio area
Back street facing north
Wind blown
Bailing boat
High water levels
Out and about
Big fish
Old Football field
Cleaning up
High water levels
lagoon area
Bleachers need new tarp
Been up off and on all night listening to wicked lightening and thunder from Tropical Storm Arthur. After checking outside, I realized either I must have selective hearing or was sleeping at the point when all patio furniture and toys ended up in a heap at the end of our balcony.
Neighbors shop sign was lying in the road. I am not ready to venture out yet but I am sure that San Pedro is a bit wind blown right now. I can’t even imagine the folks in San Mateo who are not only wind blown, definitely water logged and likely cold to boot. I woke up cold during the storm and had to get up and get extra covers.
8:05 am Still no internet and water.
Short list – getting longer
Get passports and important papers in one place in waterproof container or bag.
Make sure first aid kit is handy – check what needs to be added or replaced.
Get hurricane food stash in one place – keep adding to stash.
Start Laundry as soon as rain breaks a bit longer and wind dies down.
Stock up on phone credit and water.
Start packing grab and go bag.
Put things up high.
10:55 am
Got internet who knows for how long and blogger wont’ let me in. Went through town heading north Switched to beach at Estel’s water is high and lots of sand washed away. Boat cushions scattered the beach and there were deep trenches in the sand. Looked like a potential gas leak by Cholos
As we passed Phoenix area there was a lot of water to the land side of their sea wall. When we got to Dick and Carole’s to see if we could help him bail the boat, we saw he had just finished. He made us a coffee and then we walked back through town.
(Rang Cullen over coffee and found lots of boats submerged and beach washed away. He said he guessed winds at 45 - 50 mph)
Perk was just opening up and had just got water. We agreed with Cindy C this was more rain than we had for Dean. Decided to head over to the lagoon as middle street looked relatively ok. The lagoon area was very we as was the old football field.
Reminder to all please cut down on forwarding friends and relatives in Belize during times of extreme weather. It just makes it easier for us to keep emails free for fast updates and important communications.
Shout out to all of you who are for tuning into tacogirlblog...
Camarillo, United States - Garner, United States - Reston, United States - Baltimore, United States - Kanata, Canada - Coimbra, Portugal - Madrid, Spain - Slough, United Kingdom - Ziegenhals, Germany - Bucharest, Romania - Milan, Italy - Granville Ferry, Canada - Denver, United States - Scottsdale, United States - San Diego, United States - San Francisco, United States - Raleigh, United States - Sherman, United States - Northbrook, United States - San Jose, United States - Calgary, Canada - Fort Lauderdale, United States - Los Perales, Argentina - Edmonton, Canada - Seattle, United States - Salt Lake City, United States - Austin, United States - Rochester, United States - Butler, United States - Kennewick, United States - Chicago, United States - Caseyville, United States - Mount Laurel, United States - Boca Raton, United States - Burgos, Spain - KorsĂžr, Denmark - Georgetown, Canada - Garner, United States - Cabo, Portugal - Nottingham, United Kingdom - Kista, Sweden - Linköping, Sweden - Wettbergen, Germany - Hauconcourt, France - San Paolo, Italy - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Concord, United States - Boulder, United States - New York, United States - Des Moines, United States - Toronto, Canada - Greensboro, United States - Bartlesville, United States - New Westminster, Canada - Camarillo, United States - Rosemead, United States - Vancouver, United States - Metairie, United States - Indianapolis, United States - Idaho Falls, United States - Yonkers, United States - Scarborough, Canada - Detroit, United States - Dickinson, United States - Albany, United States - Gillette, United States - Calgary, Canada - Houston, United States - London, United Kingdom - Lakeland, United States - Bois D Arc, United States - Albuquerque, United States - Brooklands, Canada - Walnut Grove, United States - Minneapolis, United States - Aberdeen, United States - Cranston, United States - Wichita, United States - Fort Collins, United States - Bruner, United States - Parsippany, United States - Durham, United States - Memphis, United States - Broomfield, United States - Bentley, United States - Macon, United States - Fawnskin, United States - Miami, United States - Steamboat Springs, United States - Plano, United States - CancĂșn, Mexico - Carol Stream, United States - Richmond, United States - Flushing, United States - Winnipeg, Canada - Nanaimo, Canada - Rockfall, United States - Parksville, Canada - Brandon, Canada - Steamboat Springs, United States -
2:14 pm
Still overcast - wind has died down and town is drying out. Taking the opportunity to get a couple buckets of laundry done and hanging while I am relatively sure it will not go airborne.
6:18 pm Gail just sent me link to Nemo site they have pictures up of southern Belize flooding and Love fm has news and a picture slide show.
Hope things are coming together for you down there, looks like things got a bit windy. Thanks for sharing the photos.
Hold on tight, this could be a loong season.
Stay safe! xo
Anytime tq thanks for well wishes.