Sprucing up Saga

Today is the day Saga gets a new coat of paint. I emailed Cindy and told her that painting walls is just not my thing (makes me grouchy) and I will happily volunteer to blog it instead. I made plans with Mark to come by for some tai chi practice and breakfast and then we can all walk over together.

I also have a secret surprise nug-luvr and Dave came by last night with a whole bunch of things they had left from their trip and made a lovely donation on behalf of their golden pet poodle Nugget who is watching from above and themselves.

In other news, Dick and Carole just got keys to their new house and are quite excited about it.

Just done breakfast and about to head over to Saga now with Paul and Mark.

What a day - I bounced around between Saga, Pedro's, Lara's, Dick and Carole's new place, town and finally made it back home.

For those of you who know Lara, she could use some support right now after a having to make a difficult decision of letting her beloved cat Izzy go after 15 years.

Paul ready to help out at Saga

We got Mark in on the action too

Mary and Chase picked up a puppy today

Painting walls

Major scrub down

Moving stuff

Watching the kitty cats

Lot's of action

Hard work

Filling in the holes

Removing nails from the walls

Organizing pet food

Lara and Izzy needed Saga today

Heading back to Saga after some quiet time at Pedro's with Izzy

Lara and Izzy

True love

Rest in Peace Izzy

Riding from Lara's house with Dick

Nice drive

Beautiful day

Dick and Carole's new place

Future home of cg esthetic

In town picking up hairdressing sink and furniture

Salon stuff

Moving salon stuff

Loading up Glens truck

Carole's new signs

Sign for yard

New Signs - hand painted

Salon furniture

Visualizing what goes where

Glen and Dick doing the heavy lifting

After a Pedro's break the gang headed back to Saga

Taping off the wall

Kitten airing out

Left 2 Pauls at Pedro's Mark at Saga and went riding in town with Cindy - road closed for festivities

Driving on backstreet with Cindy - sorry Pedro no fresh milk right now

Back at Pedro's - welcome wagon with afternoon jager shots

3 Pauls


Ruthie said…
Where is Carole's new salon located?
tacogirl said…
Carole's new salon is located behind the Sausage factory area on Sunflower street. In addition to her new signs, she will have a tacoboy map soon to help people find it.
rump shaker said…
i am so sad for lara-izzy bears a striking resemblance to my dear puttins.i bet puts and izzy are remarking on how much they look alike.grey animals are extra special.love to lara
Anonymous said…
No freakin' fair. YOUR blog is NOT supposed to make me cry. Please send my condolences to Lara. Must check out SAGA on our next trip down!
tacogirl said…
Will do Michele.

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