Treeless cards

Just sitting here chatting on the coconut phone and enjoying the calm before the storm. Tomorrow will be one busy day. Our Christmas crawl starts with brunch at Blue Lotus then onto afternoon dinner at Pedro's and if we have enough steam left we will go to Lara's place for her party.

This year we decided to go for treeless cards. I will not tell a white lie and say that it is all about the environment. While that is definitely a part of it - truth be told I am just not that great at getting mail out in a timely manner. We are not the only ones going treeless - below are the two cards Paul made and some of the fun funky cards we got from our friends this year.

Tacos wishing you all Merry Christmas

A different version of tacogirlblog card - Paul gave me 3 choices

Syme family

Ken and Mel

Bill, Becky and Hannah

Tim and Tina


Anonymous said…
Why did you call them treeless cards? There are trees in your card and most of the others. :)
Happy Holidays.
SkipJack Nation said…
Happy Holidays Laurie!

Bob at Bob's Belize
tacogirl said…
lol Gsil

Happy Holidays Bob

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