Visit from a Maya Shaman

We haven't had a had a philanthropists club meeting in a while so when the opportunity came up to have Maya Shaman - Rosario come and visit, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to get a small group together for a potluck and the option of getting a treatment or just enjoying the energy of the event.

I know doing this will help balance the house energy pull and the right people who need to be here. I am also looking for personal balance with a primary focus on good health so that I can continue enjoying my journey in my own way. I am ready to see more of what I have been thinking about come to life and I do believe this will help be a catalyst to that happening.

It's 2pm - people are due in an hour and the stew is simmering in the crock pot. Chatting shuffles on coconut phone - she will pick Rosario up when she arrives in the water taxi this aft.

When Rosario came we had already decided that this would be more of a sign up night and if she felt up to it she could do a treatment after meeting everyone.

We were getting the table height set and Rosario brought out her Sastun which was handed down to her from her grandfather Don Elijio Panti who planted the Medicine trail. A Sastun is a round stone that fits easily in the palm of your hand. Rosario uses it to help determine what people need in regards to a treatmment. She also showed us her thorns which she uses like acupuncture.

It's 10:13 pm we had an action packed afternoon / evening and I am ready to sleep.


Anonymous said…
OK, I'm dying to hear what a Mayan Shaman does! I've been to Ambergris a couple of times, and I wish I was back there now -- not until April though, when I'll be there with one of our Adventurous Wench tours. Now, about that Mayan shaman?? Thanks! (-:
tacogirl said…
Deanna Adventurous Wench tour sounds fun. Posted more since I had treatment you can always email me via my profile for more.

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