My own time change
For some reason my internal clock changed and I am waking up at 5:30 am.
The upcoming Island Academy fundraiser was on my mind this morning so I decided to get up and get busy and post the info for Lady Dixie and Jeannie - look below.
Another thing I have been meaning to do - here are a few updates of the Bloggers who went to meet up in Merida this weekend and have posted about the fun time they had. If anyone else who was there gets pics up just email me and I will post your link(s).
What I do all Day... Still processing it all - They're Back - Wazzat
Isla Mujeres: Gringo in Paradise ... Lets go - the end
blah... blah... blah... Ginger ... We're having a blast - flickr photos
Debi in Merida ... 2and annual - Bloggers summit comes to an end
Shout out to Jack - hoiked the fence today on my way to the pool and B was working away in the yard while Rick and drummer Dan held down the fort I mean porch.
Seen some cheap flight to Belize and flight out of Cancun info posted on the message board - AA deals and Cancun to Chicago.
Island Academy - Education is a Big Deal
Vegas Extravaganza - Bingo - Black Jack - Belize Hold'Em
Thursday April 30th 7pm
Adults Only
Entrance $20 includes all the pizza you can eat
Entertainment Small World Band
Fundraiser to raise money for new textbooks for next school year at Island Academy.
The upcoming Island Academy fundraiser was on my mind this morning so I decided to get up and get busy and post the info for Lady Dixie and Jeannie - look below.
Another thing I have been meaning to do - here are a few updates of the Bloggers who went to meet up in Merida this weekend and have posted about the fun time they had. If anyone else who was there gets pics up just email me and I will post your link(s).
What I do all Day... Still processing it all - They're Back - Wazzat
Isla Mujeres: Gringo in Paradise ... Lets go - the end
blah... blah... blah... Ginger ... We're having a blast - flickr photos
Debi in Merida ... 2and annual - Bloggers summit comes to an end
Shout out to Jack - hoiked the fence today on my way to the pool and B was working away in the yard while Rick and drummer Dan held down the fort I mean porch.
Seen some cheap flight to Belize and flight out of Cancun info posted on the message board - AA deals and Cancun to Chicago.

Vegas Extravaganza - Bingo - Black Jack - Belize Hold'Em
Thursday April 30th 7pm
Adults Only
Entrance $20 includes all the pizza you can eat
Entertainment Small World Band
Fundraiser to raise money for new textbooks for next school year at Island Academy.
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