Post-it® Digital Notes

Another step forward in my ongoing quest for some sort of organization ha ha.

I decided to find digital post-it notes this morning for my lap top. There were many options out there but I went with the 30 day free trial from 3m - a reliable company. Their cost is $19.99 - not terribly expensive. At the end of my 30 free days I would likely consider buying at that price if I fall in love with their product or I know I can always just find a free one on

Find out more about the usefulness of Post-it Digital Notes.

Pool was great as always - there were 9 of us today. Back to work - cleaning and food sometime soon. about 3 hours with digital post-it notes and already have 9 things on my post-it list. Will have a go at setting up a bulletin board later with multiple notes on it. So far only downside is a slightly annoying buy now or remind me later pop up but I can deal with that.

Leaving you with a musical interlude from Melody Man Escobar and Small World Band by Video Paul at Tackle Box recently. Note to self... I really do need to get a copy of their cd.


caribbeansoul2 said…
I would love to know where to get a CD of Melody Mand Escobar and Small World if you can. I am always looking for great Regge to add to my collection.
Anonymous said…
You can purchase the CD at under the "buy" section.

Small World Band.
Susan said…
Nice poste and great video!
tacogirl said…
Caribbean Soul just go to to buy one as the band mentioned

Thanks Susan

Hoping to run a contest soon and give away a couple of their cd's

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